Is Your Personal Statement Effective?


A blank page stares unsympathetically at its tentative wordsmith. The pressure of writing an effective personal statement can be daunting. It needs to hook its reader, attract attention, and leave a positive impression. How does a student begin, especially when the desired subject poses controversy? Hunter used his name, distinct personality and love of nature to accomplish this challenging task. He embraced his love of Nature and the circle of life to personify his essay, while demonstrating empathy, passion and uniqueness. Hunter's complete statement is shared below as an example of an authentic and powerful personal essay.

"Hunter, a skill, a passion, my name; in my blood and genes since birth. The hunt is a special gift, misunderstood by many and appreciated by few. Hunting is all about what makes me want more of Mother Nature, initiating the true cause of what draws me back, time after time. The chirp of a bird; the gobble of a turkey off in the distance, out of sight; every squirrel rustling around in the leaves; the soothing sound of the stream, flowing nonstop in the distance requires intuitive sense. Sights as majestic and beautiful as rare birds and the simplicity of a deer feasting in a corn field, partaking beside me, in unity, move me. Sunsets and sunrises become twice as alluring when I am alone in the woods with just the elements as entertainment. Nature is different. Distractions like cell phone service vanish. As Hunter, like Nature, I am unique.

We, Hunters, are one family. I am not a part of irresponsible sportsmen with guns who invade the peaceful outdoors, harming anything that breathes. As Hunter, I have a special relationship and appreciation for the dwellings that animals call home. I conserve and fight to protect what I love. A true Hunter takes something from the woods every time, physically or mentally. As Hunter, I only take what I need. As Hunter, I do not violate the homes of animals, I share it with them. As Hunter, I am amongst a group that considers Nature to be my home.

I have had the great opportunity to Hunt in South Africa. Visiting different parts of the world leave memories on my heart: replaying the movie in my mind, laughing with my brothers about the baboons red bottoms; watching giraffes swing their necks and intertwine them as they fight for dominance; the keen intuition of a herd of zebras as they realize they are being watched before they run away in organized chaos; the rush of stalking a big, blue wildebeest.

The bonds I create, the time spent with my closest family and friends in the woods, the memories keep a smile on my face. My passion and the memories made are special privileges. I have never found myself lost in the woods, in fact, I have actually been found. The woods are my home, my happy place.

I am Hunter."

© 2020 Tara Malia
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