About Us

Coll-edge provides comprehensive advising and consulting services for all high school students. CEO, Mrs. Tara Campasano Malia, holds a master's degree in Special Education from The College of New Jersey, a bachelor of arts in English and a bachelor of science in Secondary Education from the University of Scranton. A veteran teacher and administrator, Mrs. Malia divided her 15 year tenure between a public and private high school, where she gleaned invaluable experience as an English teacher, a special Eduation teacher, International Student Director and most recently, Assistant Director of College Guidance. Working at a public school allowed Mrs. Malia to learn the essential needs of our youth and it sharpened her desire to make a difference. For the second half of her career, employed by the Pennington School, an independent school in New Jersey, Mrs. Malia enjoyed working with students from around the world. Advising these students garnered acceptances at the colleges listed below.

American University, Amherst College, Bentley College, Boston College, Boston University, Brown University, Bucknell University, Carnegie Mellon University, Cornell University, Dickinson College, Elmira College, Emory University, Fairfield University, Fashion Institute of Technology, Indiana University at Bloomington, Ithaca College, James Madison University, Keio University in Japan, Loyola College in Maryland, Manhattanville College, McDaniel College, Michigan State University, Moravian College, Muhlenberg College, Parsons School of Design, New School University, Queen's University in Canada, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Saint Joseph's University, School of Visual Arts, St. Lawrence University, Stony Brook University, Syracuse University, Temple University, The College of New Jersey, The George Washington University, The U.S. Naval Academy, University of California at Berkeley, University of Central Florida, University of Connecticut, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Mary Washington, University of Pennsylvania, University of Redlands, University of Scranton, University of Washington, Washington University in St. Louis

Attuned to the myriad needs and interests of children, as well as to increasingly competitive admissions requirements, Mrs. Malia prides herself on finding the right fit for her students, an important factor to consider beyond simply the application/ acceptance process. Always honest and forthright, Tara Malia offers professionalism, kindness, and expertise throughout what many perceive to be a daunting process.

© 2020 Tara Malia
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