
Hi. Happy Friday! Many questions surround the topic of testing for college admission. Who should take the SAT? Is it necessary to take the SAT II? What is the difference between the ACT and SAT? Shall I consider taking TOEFL? Sit back and relax: clarification and answers have arrived!

Most high school students begin taking the SAT during the spring of junior year; though, a rare, few sophomores also test the waters, depending upon mathematical knowledge. The majority of seniors take the SAT again in the fall. If personal goals have not been met after testing twice, seniors may take the SAT again for a third time before the first of the new year. Ideally, students should test twice. Let me explain. Since SAT courses and study materials advertise improved scores, admissions offices may prefer a more intiutive score, versus one at which the student has arrived through preparation. Visit the websites of prospective colleges and institutions for specific SAT expectations.

SAT II are subject tests. Colleges ranked as most competitive, and certainly, Ivy league institutions require scores from the SAT II. Other colleges may also require prospective students to take subject area tests. Usually, two different subject tests suffice, but some colleges and universities require three. Students should choose subject tests based on the proficiency of their knowledge base. Test requirements are usually listed on college and university websites.

Several differences exist between the ACT and the SAT. Most obviously, the ACT includes language and math sections, but also boasts a science portion. The SAT tests language, mathematic and reasoning skills. Both require writing sections, though the written part of the ACT may be considered optional by some institutions. I, personally, recommend students to opt for the writing, even if their intended school does not require a sample. It is always nice to have a writing score handy in the event that additional schools join the prospective list!

TOEFL, test of English as a foreign language, should be taken if English is not a student's first language. Although a student may be proficient in English, if another language is primarily spoken at home, TOEFL should be taken.

Now, the mysteries of the aforementioned standardized tests have been decoded. Feel free to post questions if you desire further clarification. Have a super weekend!

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