Review, Revise, Reread!


Today's post will address some nuances of good writing, as well as include a few reminders for impecable grammar. Additional hints will be revealed next week for extended discussion on essay writing.

Reminders and Nuances:

Then is used as a transition word. Than compares things.

Never end a sentence with a preposition.

Do not use contractions in formal writing

Keep your verb tense consistent - if you begin using past tense, continue throughout your writing, etc.

Without = one word; Cannot = one word; A lot = two words

Use until rather than til.

Never say, "I think, I feel," or "I believe." These clarifiers are wishy-washy. Be firm in your writing! If you didn't think it, you would not have written it!

Always connect and clarify your pronouns (Who is "he?") You can never have too much detail, if it is used correctly.

Always explain your use of "this" and "that" (This is the reason...WHAT is the reason?)

Although these statements review information familiar to high school students, the simplicity and importance of each tip is worth repeating.

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