Plan Visits for Prospective Colleges!


Hopefully, winter weather has gone for good in exchange for springtime vim and vigor! It is never too early for high school students to seek prospective colleges. Juniors, especially, visit NOW! Need a weekend getaway with the family? Jaunt to New England for a college circuit! Quick jet set for a few days? The Midwest offers a plethora of options for both city and rural college visits. Want to warm up in the South? Experience the beautiful, Southern culture provided by some of the most elite educational institutions in the U.S. Looking for a more significant adventure, farther from home? Plan a trip to another coastline to test whether a longer stretch could be truly desirable, long-term.

These questions seem as though they could be posed by a travel agent, rather than by a college counselor. Similar to a vacation, careful planning must be considered when deciding upon the "best fit" for college and university. Perhaps you have always dreamed of knowing everyone on campus? Then, a smaller student body might be more suitable for you than a larger one. Do you love the sights, sounds and smells of New York City? Consider schools in Chicago, Pittsburgh or Philadelphia as well.

You might ask, what about programming and majors? Of course, witnessing colleges and universities in session allows the opportunity to ask students about courses, internships, practicums and even attend classes, if planned far enough in advance. Careful reflection on majors and matriculation needs to occur in synergy with one's personality. Upon merging the many factors aforementioned, you CAN find the perfect fit, not just for admission, but for graduation.

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