Now that you are visiting campuses, you should also be scheduling interviews for any school that has absolutely made your dream list.


Before you do the real thing, try a practice interview to make you more comfortable with questions that might arise. Also, remember to handwrite a thank you note to the admissions officer with whom you interview. A handwritten sentiment goes a long way!


Be Natural

Have some starting points for your answers and questions. Don't memorize a speech so you sound too practiced, though. Be spontaneous and conversational with your interviewer.

Expect Questions Specific to Each School

Why do you want to attend our college?

How will you contribute to our campus life?

Why did you choose ____________ (insert specific department if you know your intended major)?

Expect Conversational Questions (and be sure to elaborate and explain your answers!)

What high school courses have you enjoyed most?

Are your grades an accurate reflection of your potential?

Which of your extracurricular activities is most rewarding?

What has been your greatest achievement?

What is your opinion on [fill in current event]?

How did you spend last summer?

What do you want to do upon graduating from college?

What is the most difficult situation you have faced? (This could be personal or academic.)

What books have been your favorite?

Which journals or magazines do you regularly read?

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

What clubs/activities might you join on campus while here?

What makes you stand out among other students? (Your business plan! J)

Always Be Honest

It's okay to say "I don't know" in answer to a question asked. You might follow that by saying, "but I'd like to find out!"


Specific fields of study: Talk to students who are majoring in your desired field and make an appointment with a faculty member or advisor in the department. If you schedule a campus visit, sit in on a class, if time permits.

Activities: If you plan to participate in an activity or club, such as: a sport, theatre, the newspaper, band, or activist group, speak to students who take part. It's a good way to decipher the culture of the school and what your chances are of getting involved.

Always Remember...

to be on time

to sound natural and conversational

not to chew gum or candy

to say "yes" instead of "yeah"

to elaborate on your answers (Don't just answer with a yes or no - explain.)

to sound as though you really love the school (even if you don't or if it's a safety)

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